Zero Waste Initiative | Brat Fest
Memorial Day Weekend: Madison WI
Brats on the Grill

Zero Waste Initiative

Presented by MGE & Hooper Foundation

World's Largest Brat Fest starts Zero Waste InitiativeWorld's Largest Brat Fest starts Zero Waste Initiative

Beginning in 2015, the World’s Largest Brat Fest is showing its support of the community in a brand-new way—by starting a Zero Waste Initiative. Brat Fest will improve its current recycling program and will also add composting, with the goal of dramatically reducing the amount of landfilled waste in an effort to protect and benefit the environment.

What is a Zero Waste Initiative, you ask? The zero-waste movement is all about creating waste management procedures with the ultimate goal that everything be recycled, reused or composted, with as little as possible remaining for disposal. “Zero waste” simply means “as close to zero as possible” and is an ongoing effort to minimize the amount of trash generated in our community.

Brat Fest is proactively working with food vendors to choose compostable supplies so that more of the trash generated will be diverted from the landfill. Brat Fest is also recruiting volunteers to help event-goers know into which containers to put their waste.

In 2018, Brat Fest reached 55% compostable and recyclables. Our goal this year, with adding compost and managing the stations with volunteers, is to reach 60% compostable and recyclables.

The compost will be transported to a biodigester and converted to energy for local utilities. In addition, Brat Fest is partnering with our local utility, Madison Gas and Electric, to fuel Brat Fest with green power.
