Vietnam Memorial | Brat Fest
Memorial Day Weekend: Madison WI

Vietnam Memorial

Saturday, May 25, 10:00am-9:00pm | Sunday, May 26, 10:00am-9:00pm | Friday, May 24, 10:00am-9:00pm
Location: South end of Willow Island | Cost: Free

The Vietnam Memorial exhibit features a photo for each of the 1,161 Wisconsinites listed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. along with an additional 83 names that are listed on The Highground Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Neillsville, WI. In total, 1,244 Wisconsinites are remembered for their service and sacrifice.

WPR Frank RaspberryThe photos were collected by volunteers from throughout Wisconsin over the past ten years. Friends and family of those who were killed in Vietnam submitted photos, but so did students, teachers and others who simply wanted to put a face to the names listed on the Wall in Washington D.C. The images they found will help tell the story of the men and women who are listed on the Wall as part of a new education center the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is building on the National Mall. Wisconsin was just the fifth state in the nation to find a photo for every resident listed on the Wall.

The Wisconsin Remembers partnership – including Wisconsin Public Radio, Wisconsin Public Television, Wisconsin Newspapers Association, Milwaukee Public Television and Milwaukee Public Radio –- is working with the Wisconsin Veterans Museum to make an indoor version of the exhibit available to local libraries, historic societies, and schools throughout the state starting this summer.  Learn more about the project and how to request the exhibit for display in your community at

Visit Brat Fest at Willow Island located at the Alliant Center Grounds on Memorial Weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday to view this exhibit and recognize the sacrifice made for our country. Brat Fest and Metcalfe’s Markets are proud to make this available through the efforts of Adams Outdoor and Wisconsin Public Radio as well as the many contributors of this effort!