Military Salute to Veterans & Soldiers | Brat Fest
Memorial Day Weekend: Madison WI

Military Salute to Veterans & Soldiers

Sunday, May 25, 11:45am
Location: Grand Stage | Cost: Free

The World’s Largest would like to honor all veterans and military personnel ALL Memorial Day Weekend. Join us on the Grand Stage as members of the VFW Post 1318 and Middleton Fire Department present the Colors and lower the flag to a performance of the National Anthem. Time: 11:45am

Visit the booth of the 1st Squadron 105th Calvary Regiment near the Vietnam memorial.

Current or Past Military Personnel can show their Military ID at the Badger Honor Flight Tent (next to the Vietnam memorial wall) to receive a complimentary Brat Buck.

Memorial Day is a solemn day of remembrance for everyone who has died serving in the American armed forces. The holiday, originally known as Decoration Day, started after the Civil War to honor the Union and Confederate dead.